Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Learn The Fool Proof Strategy For Network Marketing Success!

After many months of talking to new internet marketers and aspiring network marketing entrepreneurs I have come to one forgone conclusion, no one takes the time to make a plan. Imagine that, going into the battle of business with no plan of action and no firm commitments to speak of. If you start you home business, like the majority do, on a wing and a prayer I will guarantee you will find yourself a casualty like more than 95% who fail in home business today.

The solid plan is the basis for your success in any endeavor and especially when you are starting a business. I guess because of the somewhat casual nature, low start up costs and sponsors there to help, many don’t really take their businesses seriously enough to think they need a real plan.

I’ve asked my trainees from time to time to show me their plan and I often hear that it’s in their head. They have it memorized to some degree and that’s what they build their businesses from, memory. If I had to rely on my memory I wold have been out of business a years ago. It’s no wonder they are failing and can’t seem to get any traction.

This may seem a little negative but it is true and the truth isn’t always so pretty. It’s only when we realize the gravity of where we are can we make the changes we need.

Let’s look at a sports analogy for a minute. Let’s just say a professional baseball team never wrote down their plays and practiced them consistently. They had talent or “potential” but they would never commit to practicing any set plays. What might their season look like?

Probably wouldn’t be too strong a season right? Network Marketing is the exact same way and there are too many losing seasons to count when it comes to our industry.

Now I do realize that many Network Marketing companies have training and support to some degree, however, significant planning is really missing in most companies I’ve seen over the years. Many get skills that are never implemented because they were never added to the “Playbook”. Most bounce from tactic to technique never really gaining any real momentum.

We all know that doesn’t work in any business or endeavor and that proper planning produces peak performance, right?

Committing your plan of action to paper is critically important to your overall success in your Network Marketing business. Without a clearly defined map or blueprint, very few achieve success. Break down your goals into little action steps that eventually get down to what you need to do every single day to reach those goals. Don’t fall victim to the number one reason Network Marketers are failing today, a lack of planning.

There are many other practicals that I go over in detail on my site that you may want to take a look at. This information could make the difference between success and failure as I know it has for me.

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