Sunday, February 7, 2010

11 Ways to Outrank Websites in Google Search Results

For starters, it kind of difficult to penetrate the intricate world of search engine optimization. To learn more. You got to be doing research and stuffs and when the search engines show the results you'll find hard to gather the basics. For a beginner to catch up on the essentials can take a week or two since the most essential terms are sometimes not explained.

So if you want your website to rank first on Google, better learn the 11 basics first.
  1. Algorithm - It is the mathematical formula used by the search engines in making a decision where to rank every web pages. In ranked order, the web pages are listed on the Search Engine Results Page.
  2. Anchor Text - The text that is seen in hyperlinks. Anchor text gives the best opportunity for placement of your keywords.
  3. Crawlers/Spiders/Bots - The applications used by the search engines to crawl all the indexed websites to get the necessary and specific information.
  4. Filters - Filters are part of the software in search engine spiders which look for undesirable characteristics on a web page. A page that triggers a filter will have its ranking reduced.
  5. Inbound Links - The links from other sites going to your site. To establish your site popularity, use the technique of creating inbound links or sometimes called backlinks.
  6. Index - It is the storage of information on websites that search engines gain by means of searching the net. If a website is suspected of breaking the rules of search engines, it will be removed from the search engine's index.
  7. Internal Links - This are the links inside your site. Internal links are great help for your keywords.
  8. Keywords - Keywords can be one word or several, constituting a phrase. When someone is searching on your topic or subject, keywords are the words that are likely to be searched. They can also be related to the search terms. Keywords are placed all over the website to let the search engine crawl and know that your site is applicable to that search. Having a range of keywords is good for a website.
  9. Outbound Links - The links going to other sites from your sites. To grow your relationships with other people inside the Internet community is the purpose.
  10. PageRank - The scheme used by Google to rank the web pages on its index. PageRank is analyzed by the algorithm of Google based from a series of criteria like the quality inbound links.
  11. Visitor - The person who views your website. The most essential among all the factors since you'll be acquiring the potential clients from them. They are also called user.
Your website will outrank the other websites indisputably on Google search results page once you continuously learn and make use of these quality SEO best practices.


Unknown said...

thank you very much for your instructions.

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